In the Launching Activity we are going to set the room up in the time of the Great Depression with a store, hospital, and other community houses. The items in the store will be priced as they were during the Depression and the price of the dollar will be the same. The students will have a limited budget to purchase a list of necessities; the items will be priced higher than any of the students can afford. By doing this the students will understand how hard it was for families during the Depression to buy the everyday supplies they needed to survive, like flour, slat, bread the necessities. The hospital will be set up showing the students how the medications available weren't the same or as accessible. You may also use oil lamps for electricity to show the students how people got their light, and even a garden in a swimming pool to show the students the importance of farming during the depression. Remember the farms were dry and were eroding, the crops weren't growing.